Saturday 13 August 2016


Langley centre probably has the highest concentration of thrift stores in a given area for the whole of B.C.  I certainly haven't found any other area in B.C. that is as comparable.  There are 11 shops in a ~1200m x 400m area.  Merchants of new items are not particularly happy about this.

Going from west to east, one first comes across the 1st branch of the International Christian Response thrift stores on the west side of 200 Street and where 57th Avenue should intersect.  This medium size shop has a good amount of goods, with lots of china and collectibles, at pretty reasonably prices.  Organisation isn't the best but the volunteers have limited space. Off-street lot with free parking.

On the north side of 56th Avenue just west of 203rd Street  are two thrift stores.  In the mini-mall at the corner is Thrift for Kids which is franchised by the Langley School Foundation.  The store is new so doesn't have too many items.  Mall parking.

A little bit further west is Hope for Children which assists needy children in a developing country.  This store is full of collectibles at very good prices. Off-street parking.

Heading up 203rd Street between Industrial and Logan, one comes to the 2nd International Christian Response shop on the east side.  A small shop, it replicates the inventory of the other shop on a smaller scale.  Lot parking out front.

(April 2017 Update: This location has closed)

Around the corner on the south side of Logan west of Glover Road is the large Bibles for Missions.  This store is the biggest charity store in Langley (occupies what appears to be a former supermarket).  Lots of inventory including furniture and very well-organised by the volunteers.  Very good prices though some collectibles are more fairly priced for the charity.  Lot of parking out front.

Further east on Logan across Glover Road is the small Second Beginnings shop.  Assisting local children and young mothers, its offering are more suited to that demographic though there is a nice assortment of crockery, some of which are fine china.  Small parking lot out front.

Around the back of the block on 56th Avenue are two thrift stores.  On the south side at the corner of  Salt Lane is the small boutique in aid of a Catholic society for battered women and abused children.  Very well-organised by volunteers, it has some very nice crockery for sale.  Free street parking

Across 56th Avenue in the mall is a thrift store that may well be private.  This medium-sized store seems to be a shambles but can be quite rewarding for those who are prepared to dig through.  No prices on anything (so looking poor may help) but prices are very reasonable.  Free parking in the mall.

The Fraser Highway section of town has an impressive array. On the NE corner of 204th Street is the Better Tomorrow shop that assists local seniors. Just a small assortment of items.  Free street parking.

April 2017 Update: This store appears to be permanently closed

Penny Pinchers main store
Across the road a bit further east are the two Penny Pincher shops of Langley Memorial's hospital auxilliary.  The 1st shop has household goods and collectibles while the second shop has clothing only.  Both are small but well-stocked and well organised by the volunteers.  Very good prices.  Street parking.

Penny Pinchers clothing store

Across 206th Street on the north side is the somewhat-hidden Fibromylagia thrift shop.  Although small, it is well organised.  Free mall parking.  (April 2017 update: This shop has moved to Aldergrove)

Though we did not visit, there is the Boutique Finds shop supporting Langley Wheels on Meals on the NE corner. Reportedly mainly clothing.

One feature of the thrift shops in Langley is that they are well-supplied with bread from local supermarkets and you are invited to take some to share.  There is apparently plenty to go around.

In the north part of the municipality, there is the Salvation Army on the north side of 96th Avenue at 198th Street in Port Kells.  Though it is the main sorting centre.for the Salvation Army division in southwestern B.C., most of the goods are apparently shipped out to other SA stores as this branch is one of the smallest ones we've come across.  A small usual selection of everything (except furniture) with the usual lower mainland SA prices.  Parking lot out front.

In the Walnut Grove area in the mall at 88 Avenue at 202nd Street (NE quadrant) is the Langley Hospice Second Story Treasures thrift store.  This medium size shop is very well laid out and organised by the volunteers and as a result doesn't have too much inventory on display.   Free parking in the mall.

List of Langley and south of the Fraser river thrift shops

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