Sunday 17 December 2017

Vancouver: My Sister's Closet

I was in Vancouver for a not-so-pleasant appointment and while on my way there, came across a new-to-me thrift shop, one that assists abused women and focuses exclusively clothes and shoes.for women as well as men.

I didn't go in but it seem to be very nicely organised, more like a boutique than your run-of-the-mill thrift shop.

Monday 11 December 2017

Saanich - Gordon Head Lions Club in the Gordon Head United Church annex

I managed to visit all the rarely-open small church-based thrift shops in Victoria in these past few weeks.  The latest and last is the Gordon Head Lions Club thrift shop, formerly the Gordon Head United Church thrift shop.  It operates in the basement of the annex to the church.  Don't go to the main floor as that is a day care centre. 

The shop is on Tyndall Street and you'll see signs pointing towards the United Church.  It is fairly small, just two rooms with one dedicated to clothing and shoes and the other to housewares, collectibles and other things.  Not a big destination place but the prices are very good.

Sign as you drive in the church's parking lot

Thrift shop is in the annex beside the church
The hours - but it's closed in the summer

More contact information

Thrift shop in the basement - don;t go upstairs as it is a day car centre

Tuesday 5 December 2017

Victoria - St Andrew's Presbyterian Church

We visited yet another of the infrequently-opened thrift shops today.  This time it was St Andrew's Presbyterian Church in the heart of Victoria.  The thrift shop is open just two days a month for 2 hours each day, and is closed for the summer.

It is also one of the most difficult to locate and find access. The church itself on Douglas Street is easy enough, but the entrance is around the corner on Courtney.  Getting to the front entrance, you will find a locked door even though the signs are out on the street and in front of the church. 

Front entrance on Douglas Street

Sign to the thrift shop at the front entrance

Sign at the Courtney Street entrance

When you get to the thrift shop entrance, you'll find a locked door which gives you the impression they forgot to open, or closed early.   The answer, press the buzzer button on the left of the door and the door will be buzzed unlocked.  Go in and go down the stairs to your left.
Locked door - press the buzzer on the left to get in
The shop is located in the basement and is rather small, with one room with housewares and collectibles, and another with mainly clothes and more housewares.  Friendly but elderly volunteers are happy to assist.

Friday 1 December 2017

Oak Bay - Oak Bay United Church

We finally got to visit one of the multitude of primarily United Church thrift shops in the Victoria area.  It's only open on Fridays and the 1st Saturday of the month, and is closed in summers and from mid-December to the beginning of February which may make it a little difficult to schedule a visit (there are 4 church thrift shops, all open on different weekdays of the week).

The main thrift shop in a small annex building stocks exclusively shoes and clothes.  Housewares and other goods are sold in the auditorium annex of the church, and may only be open 1 day a month.  We happened to drop in on a Friday before the 1st Saturday of the month and fortunately the garage sale was open.

Located at the cormer of Mitchell and Granite south of Oak Bay Avenue.

Annex offering clothes and shoes

Note the special monthly sale

Monthly sale in the auditorium

Abbotsford - Healing Grounds

When I was out in Abbotsford this past spring, we searched for a thrift shop called Healing Grounds on Bevan Road, but only found an empty shopfront in a mall.

I recently received mail from a volunteer that the original location was closed due to a flood, and that the new location - just adjacent - has opened with help from Habitat from Humanity.  This shop will stock the non-home improvement products - clothes, books, housewares, sports equipment, home decor, etc. - that are not offered at the ReStore on Fraser Highway.

Give them a visit.

Wednesday 8 November 2017

Richmond - Closure: CMHA Pathways Clubhouse

Pathways Clubhouse, the Richmond branch of Canadian Mental Health Association, closed its thrift shop when it moved to its new location.

There are other CMHA-affiliated thrift shops in BC: Salmon Arm, Vernon and New Westminster

Saturday 4 November 2017

Victoria/Saanich - Friendly Octopus at St. Aidan's United Church

I finally managed to visit one of the church thrift shops in Victoria. or rather the southern fringes of Saanich.  It isn't easy as all 4 are closed over the summer and are open only once or twice a week at most, if even.

Off Cedar Hill Cross Road at Palo Alto Street is St. Aidan's United Church which operates its Freindly Octopus thrift shop in the basement.

We didn't make the Wednesday opening but instead a special and larger seasonal sale held on the 1st Saturday of November.

The shop's regular hours are Wednesday 10-14 and again from 16-20.  Confusingly, the shop is also open on a Saturday: One source from the church states the 4th Saturday while another states the last Saturday (which could the 5th if the 1st Saturday falls on the 1st, 2nd or 3rd of the month depending on if it is a 29, 30 or 31 day month..

Friday 3 November 2017

Parksville - Salvation Army warehouse

The Parksville Qualicum Beach area has 3 Salvation Army thrift shops.  Hidden away in an industrial area is a warehouse shop that has furniture and some odds and ends.   You see signs on the street but when you drive in, all you see is this:

Not obvious it is open but there it is.

Nanaimo Closure, or Consolidation - Nanaimo Hospice Society

We went to Nanaimo today and stopped by some of our favorite thrift shops.  The highway from the ferry heading north is a favorite as there are 3 shops very near the highway and all on the same side (working well if headed north).

The first shop, of the Nanaimo Hospice Society, that we went to revealed to an empty premise.  We hadn't been up here since the beginning of the year so it was a shock.  No sign, nothing.  We went to the other shop on Bowen Road and asked if the original shop had closed, and indeed it had.  The Bowen Road shop is now slightly bigger.

Saturday 28 October 2017

Salvation Army in Kerrisdale reopens

The Salvation Army thrift store in Kerrisdale has announced its imminent reopening, recovering from a fire - probably smoke and water damage - that gutted the premises next door.

The building adjacent to the Salvation Army thrift shop in Kerrisdale

Wednesday 25 October 2017

An Absence

In case you've been wondering if this blog has been rather quiet for the past few weeks, it is because I've been travelling.

Not too many non-profit thrift shops found during our travels.  The first stop was in Sitka, Alaska where a shop (may not have been purely non-profit) was open but nothing of interest was found.  We then were in Japan where we didn't know how to search for the term.  There is a thriving used clothes scene though due to decades of wage stagnation (Yen prices appear to be pretty static in the time).

Thailand is a country with huge wealth disparity and you do have quite a quite a large impoverished population who scrounge through discards to make a living.  The only non-profit thrift store I was able to locate was one operated by U.S. women in Bangkok, which unfortunately is only open for a couple of hours every week.

Onto Malaysia which may not have as many wealthy and a burgeoning middle class who consume conspicuously (and very likely, imprudently using debt) as Thailand's but apparently also without a noticeable amount of hard-scrabble poor.  Clothes are often sold through pop-up "bundle shops" but the Salvation Army does have a presence, just not where we were though.

Last stop was Honolulu with the usual goods.  Crystal wine glasses were hauled home...

Sunday 20 August 2017

North Vancouver

We were in North Vancouver last week and while headed for a Salvation army store, came across a thrift store that I had forgotten about that was finally open.  We had tried to go there twice previously but it was unexpectedly closed both times. Third time lucky.

Anyway, this shop is called Good Stuff Connection of the North Shore Crisis Services Society, located on 3rd Avenue in the City just west of Lonsdale.   Has clothing and some decor and housewares.

Friday 11 August 2017

Northern BC additions

No some place I am likely to go to any time soon but I've added a couple of thrift shops in Prince Rupert and one in Fort Nelson in my Northern BC page

Wednesday 9 August 2017

4 month renovation closure?

That was the "strategy" that reportedly killed Target in Canada - closing K-marts for weeks to convert them into Target stores.  Customers, supposedly creatures of habit, found somewhere else to shop.

Where I am going with this is the Mission (formerly Bibles for Missions) thrift shop in Kelowna.  It closed for  major renovation and expansion in early April.  As of today (9 August), it still has not reopened and must be a few weeks late.  It has expanded substantially and is being restocked, but still not open.  I hope they got a break on rent.  I hope customers haven't gone to look at the other 11 other thrift shops in town.

Friday 4 August 2017

Victoria churches & community centres

Churches in the Victoria area make up a fair number of the local thrift shops.  The United Church has at least 3 thrift shops in the immediate area, though 2 are closed for the summer.  Opening days are also limited - sometimes only once a week or a few days a month.

We stopped by James Bay United Church on Michigan Street today.  It's a small store which had an open air market for our visit.  Reasonable prices though some items are a bit expensive.  Well organised and staff by volunteers. 

The others - closed for the summer - are St. Aidan's and Oak Bay United Churches. [UPDATE]:  Gordon Head United church still has a thrift shop which is now operated by the local Lions chapter and also closed for the summer.  {UPDATE 2]  St Andrew's Presbyterian church has bi-monthly openings but is also closed for the summer.

We also drove by the James Bay Community Centre to check out the Community Closet but missed it due to confused directions and a well-hidden location.  Went back the next day to find it tucked in a corner of the mall/community centre, accessible only from the inside.  It is small but well organised and has clothes and shoes, often donated by a couple of consignment stores.

There is a for-profit consignment store adjacent to this store which sells everything but clothes and shoes.

Wednesday 12 July 2017

Salvation Army in Kerrisdale

A few week ago, a fire in Kerrisdale burned down the end of a block, including a building that housed the Salvation Army's thrift shop on West 41st Avenue.  Needless to say, the shop has been closed since.  Donations are being taken the SA's location on East 12th between Main and Kingsway.

Tuesday 20 June 2017

Some thoughts on thrift shopping cross-country

The most significant difference in thrift shopping east of BC is that there were no sales taxes charged in most non-profit thrift shops.  Perhaps that's a benefit of HST wherever the province chooses not to charge ales tax.


Thrift shop are abundant in Québec, most affiliated with a parish church or with the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul.  However, many are only open a day or two a week, or even a month!  Municipal governments promote recycling and community inclusion for the less-employable so there are also these shops.  Municipalities and churches that do not have thrift shops may have a flea market in the spring.


As expected, the province has many thrift shops for all causes.  The Catholic church isn't as significant a presence as in Québec, as are commuinty and mutual aid thrift shops.


Winnipeg abounds in thrift shops.  In addition, there are MCCs in many towns and villages. Some ridiculously small.  We didn't have the time to visit more than a handful in Winnipeg.  Portage La Prairie's 3 shops were conveniently located only  few hundred metres from each other.


Saskatchewan proved to be a hard place to thrift shop.  Perhaps people are too thrifty. Regina but the city only has less than half a dozen thrift shops.  We also made stops in Swift Current and Moose Jaw which only had a couple each.


Calgary has a whole host of shops but most were off the Trans-Canada so we didn't visit more than a small handful.  Surprisingly, Banff has one at a United Church.  We also visited a few in Medicine Hat.  Too small a sample t make a judgement.

Tuesday 6 June 2017

Sunday thrift shopping in Nanaimo

With enough dedicated volunteers, the Nanaimo Hospice society has expanded opening hours of the southern/Bowen Road location to include Sundays (10-16) and until 1930 on Fridays.

Friday 2 June 2017

Golden and Sicamous

The cross-country RV trip gave us the opportunity to at least verify the existence - continuing or otherwise - of a few thrift shops.


As small as the town apparently is, it supports two thrift shops on 9th Street South on either side of 10th Avenue.

The first shop - on the east side of 10th - is the Bargain Basement located in the basement of St Andrew's United Church.  Unfortunately, it was closed as the staff seemed to have been overwhelmed and needed time to sort things out.

The other, on the west side, is the thrift shop of St Paul's Anglican church behind Abbeyfield (as it is located in the rear of the Abbeyfield care home).  It's a small shop with a smattering of everything.

We stopped by the Sicamous United Church thrift shop even though it was closed.  They're trusting enough to leave inventory outside over the weekend.

We didn't stop in Revelstoke to check on the town's sole remaining thrift shop

Saturday 29 April 2017

Currently in eastern Canada

We've nearly ended the first week of a 5 week jaunt in eastern Canada and won't be crossing back into B.C for another 4 weeks.

There are a lot of thrift stores in the Montréal and Ottawa areas but for the most part, thrifting for collectibles (vintage Canadian ones at that) is difficult and generally much more expensive too (non-profits or otherwise) though we have made some finds (the Catholic thrift stores, Society of St Vincent de Paul ones) are often the best for prices.

The best thing is that the non-profits in Québec and Ontario don't charge sales tax.

Thursday 20 April 2017

Salvation Army reborn in Chilliwack

A few weeks ago, the Salvation Army in Chilliwack had to close its store due to redevelopment of its old premises.

The move to a new premise, just cross the old Yale Road location at 45680 Hockings Ave, was made rather quickly and was opened just before Easter.

Come and Go III - Hope

Leaving the housesit yesterday, we drove up the Lougheed Highway.  Unfortunately the people came home too late so we couldn't get to Agassiz to visit the thrift shop, and it was too far off the highway too.   We got to Hope to take  picture of the Hope Community Services thrift shop, got to where it was located, only to find no thrift shop.  I asked a woman who came out of the community services offices who confirmed it had closed.

We had visited the shop last year and it didn't have very much in the way of thrift items, and a lot seemed to be new.  Neither here nor there, and with no big community to draw on for donations, it didn't work.

Sunday 16 April 2017

More about bottle and can returns

We're near the end of a 16-day pet and house sit in Mission.  Part of our pet management strategy is that one of us takes the alpha female out for a walk while the other plays with the 2 other dogs.  On my walks around a suburban residential neighbourhood (and close by a penitentiary for good measure) gives me the opportunity to sweep for returnables - apparently so low in value children don't bother with them anymore except for organised bottle drives.

We went on an outing to Maple Ridge where one of the thrift shops has excellent prices on cutlery at a mere 5 cents a piece.  I picked up a vintage Canadian-made fork and a U.S.-made one that is part of our set for a mere 10 cents for both: The deposit value of two pop cans or two juice boxes.  Thrifting fuels my own personal bottle drive.

Saturday 15 April 2017

Where your money goes to at Hidden Treasures

A CBC news article about a prisoner escape at the minimum security prison a few minute's walk from where we're housesitting caught my eye.

CBC news article about M2W2

Hidden Treasures, with branches in Abbotsford and Chilliwack, is the thrift shop arm of M2W2 where volunteers mentor and guide prisoners who wish to be rehabilitated for reintroduction into life in civil society.  Prison is not just for punishment, but should be also rehabilitative. Unfortunately governmental efforts usually fall far short.

M2W2 needs volunteers as their force is getting older.  Consider volunteering if you live in the area.

M2W2 web site

Hidden Treasures - Chilliwack
Hidden Treasures - Abbotsford

Thursday 13 April 2017

Maple Ridge - ReStore and a for-school thrift shop

We went out to Maple Ridge today to check out a few of our favorite thrift shops, taking the slow way via Dewdney Trunk Road as it's unlikely we'll ever travel this corner of the province again.  The trip proved to be not very fruitful, though I did get a few kitchen items for pennies.

There are two newer thrift stores to report on.  Maple Ridge now has 4 thrift shops within a minute's walk with the other 3 another 5 minutes' walk away.

The big one is a new (since last summer) Habitat for Humanity ReStore in the old mall that houses the Cythera thrift shop.  Occupying what appears to have been the space of a defunct supermarket, it's mostly house reno parts at the moment, as well as furniture.  Lots of lot parking.

Across Dewdney Trunk Road and 2 doors east of the Hospital Auxiliary thrift shop is Repeat Street which assists the local school district, SD42.  It is a smaller shop with a very boutique feel and arrangement. Mostly clothing and some decor. Quite a few near-new or even new item for sale.  Very friendly proprietor.  Free street parking as well as the lot across the street.

Divorcing Value Village in Nanaimo

One of the B.C. non-profits that previously has sold donations to Value Village opened its own store in the middle of last year.  The Nanaimo branch of Big Brother and Big Sisters has opened the BIG Deals Clothing Program store at its 2030 Northfield Road location, open We-Sa 10-15.  The Boston, U.S.A. chapter realised a 4x revenue gain when it terminated its relationship with Value Village and began to operate its own store(s), despite added operating expenses.  I hope the other BC and national chapters of BB&BS and other charities will find the gumption and vision to do the same.

Tuesday 11 April 2017

Another ReStore - In Chilliwack

Though we don't visit for home renovation products, we still visit Habitat for Humanity ReStores as housewares and collectibles may be available.  We became aware of a newer location on Yale Road in Chilliwack which we never usually visit as it is not convenient to other Chilliwack thrift shops.  We finally got around to visiting this location today.  The store has a very good selection of home reno supplies, better than many of the other 13 we've visited which may show more items get recycled here.  Not much in the way of housewares, but this and the Abbotsford store must have received a huge amount of inventory from an imported handicraft and decorations gift store as there are shelves of the stuff.

List of Lower Mainland thrift stores south of the Fraser river.

Thursday 6 April 2017

Come and Go II - Langley

We went to Langley, ambling on some side road from Mission, to visit the usual thrift stores that make Langley a nice, concentrated destination.

Driving and walking around, we found that a full three thrift shops have closed since last autumn, some consolidating, some still waiting to find a new home, and some apparently gone for good.

The consolidation is the ICR or International Christian Relief.  There were two shops just over  kilometer apart.  The shop on 203 Street has closed leaving the 200 Street shop.   The Wellspring fibromyalgia shop on Fraser Highway has moved, due to redevelopment of the mall, to 2978 272 Street in Aldergrove (across the highway from the Salvation Army).  It's open Mo-Fr 10-16.   The Better Tomorrow thrift shop (benefiting Langley seniors) further up Fraser Highway has apparently closed permanently.

List of Langley and south of the Fraser river thrift shops

Come and Go - Abbotsford & Mission

Charities sometimes open up thrift shops but sometimes these ideas are unfortunately not viable in practice.  A couple of organisations opened in Abbotsford last year only to close their thrift shops within months.  Two such are Missions without Borders on South Fraser Highway and Healing Grounds on Bevan.

In the neighbourhood, the Salvation Army has closed its thrift shop in Mission leaving just 3 there.

List of Abbotsford and south of the Fraser river thrift shops

Listing of Mission and other north of the Fraser river thrft shops

Monday 3 April 2017

Another Salvation Army closure (temporary?)

We drove down to the Fraser Valley today and dropped in on the Chilliwack stores. One surprise was to find the Salvation Army thrift shop closed (they report due to sale of the premises).  It will reopen somewhere else though the new location and opening date has not been announced.  Keep an eye on:

The Salvation Army has closed locations in Sooke, south Nanaimo, Langley and Mission in the recent past.

South of the Fraser thrift shop listing

Saturday 1 April 2017

Rebranding thrift stores

Bibles for Missions is one of the thrift stores I've become familiar with over the past couple of years. They're, evidently by their name, an evangelising Christian sect that promotes literacy by teaching those they assist via teaching to read the bible.

In the past few weeks, the stores have been rebranded - new signs and all - and are now called the Mission Thrift Stores.

Monday 27 March 2017

Renovation closures in Kelowna

Thrift shops also go under renovations, to expand or sometimes to shrink.  We've seen a Salvation Army store on Vancouver Island shrink.  Today, we went to a Bibles for Missions shop in Kelowna which had, unfortunately, just closed for a long, 2 month + renovation.  Hopefully there'll be more floor space.

The MCC shop in Rutland took over the space of an adjacent tattoo parlour to add more space for furniture and apparently managed to stay open.

Saturday 25 March 2017

East Vancouver - Wilson Heights United Church

Though I used to live mere blocks away, I wasn't aware of the thrift sale (not shop) at the Wilson Heights United Church at 41st Avenue @ Bruce Street. Opening days are very periodic, just on the last Saturday of the month.  The wares are only brought out for the day and set up on tables, and packed away after.  There is a small back closet that seems to hold the bulk of the housewares.  Prices seem a bit high which is seemingly normal for Vancouver.

Listing of lower mainland thrift shops north of the Fraser river

South Coquitlam

Coquitlam proper seems to be lacking in thrift shops, the only one I've ever visited in the municipality being up in the north.

Two in the southern part, along Austin Heights came to my attention (near Maillardville if you ever wanted to know where it is). 

The more interesting of the two is the Como Lake United Church at 535 Marmont Street, open just two day a week, Tuesday 09-13 and Saturday 09-12.   The shop is in the basement of the church and is on the smaller side, though seemingly average for a church thrift shop.  It has mostly clothing but quite a few housewares and collectibles too. Prices seem a little high though.

The other shop, around the corner at 1206 Ridgeway Avenue, is the Joy thrift shop.  I haven't been able to find out too much about this one except it is Korean so a lot of the offerings are Korean or Korean-oriented.  Nothing interesting so I didn't see what pricing was like.

List of lower mainland thrift shops north of the Fraser river.

Friday 24 March 2017

New Westminster - Kerry's Boutique

Headed out to East Columbia today to visit the Royal Columbian Hospital auxiliary thrift shop, which unfortunately didn't have anything new and interesting.  I did learn of a new thrift shop a bit further up the road.  Just south of the intersection with Braid is Kerry's Boutique, a thrift shop raising money to help families with young children dealing with grief.  It's a small shop with mainly clothing and very few housewares, collectibles and furniture.  Very nicely laid out and bright.

Thursday 23 March 2017

South Burnaby - South Burnaby United Church and One Love

We had a chance to visit a couple of thrift shops in south Burnaby that we haven't visited before.

The first is OneLove on Imperial at Jubilee.  This shop is first and foremost a skateboard shop (there's a skate park across Jubilee) but in the back is a small thrift shop offering mostly clothing and very few housewares.  It assists youth and low-income families.

One Love

The second thrift shop is the South Burnaby United Church whose thrift shop - located in the basement - is only open from 10-14 on Thursdays.  It is a smaller medium-sized shop which has a lot of clothes and housewares.  Prices seem to be very reasonable.  Staffed by friendly volunteers.
South Burnaby United Church

List of Lower Mainland thrift shops north of the Fraser River (except North Shore)

A "new" shop in Newton / Surrey - God's Love

We made a visit to Surrey to visit the thrift stores in the north/central/east part of the city.  One of the thrift shops we visited last year, and amazingly is still there, is God's Love at 7360 137 St in the Newton neighbourhood, close to the Surrey Hospice an Firefighter's shop and the Salvation Army.

It's a small shop so selection may be limited.  It claims 1/2 the profits go to the Surrey hospital.

List of Lower Mainland thrift shops south of the FraSer river

Saturday 18 March 2017

Mission - Mission hospital auxiliary and Fronya

Made a trip out to Mission to find a new housesit and passed by some old favorite shops and check out a few new-to-us ones.

The big news is that the Salvation Army has closed its shop in Mission in September last year with no replacement.  The MCC is still nearby.

MCC Mission

Cottage Thrift - Mission HA
On 1st Avenue in old Mission on either side of Welton are two thrift shops,   On the east side of Welton on the south side of 1st is the Cottage Thrift Store of Mission Hospital Auxiliary which has a surprisingly large housewares and collectibles section.  Medium size store with very reasonable prices and run by friendly volunteers.

Fronya - Mission
On the north side of 1st and on the west side of Welton is the Fronya shop which assists women in transition.  It stocks only clothing and accessories in a small boutique.

Thursday 16 March 2017

Back in the Lower Mainland - The Attic and WESN in Vancouver's West End

We left Victoria earlier in the week, and had time to visit a United Church thrift shop in the far reaches of northern Saanich.  Interesting to see meditative yoga being done out in the open.

Going through Delta, we stopped at the usual shops, the Delta Hospice and DYSL in Tsawwassen (the new mall, or any mall, has absolutely no appeal for me these days) and the  Hospital store in Ladner.  Swinging by east Van to drop off some things for a friend, we stopped by the east Van SPCA, and even had time to visit the Wildlife store at the foot of Granville in downtown.

The next day, we stopped by the Salvation Army in Marpole which was fruitful, and then went down to the SOS Children's and Hospital shops in Steveston.  The latter is following the example of its kin in Ladner and having periodic collectibles sales - now once a quarter rather than semi annually as they get so much.  We went to visit the two SPCA shops but found that the one on Alderbridge Way (very poorly located, so poorly I couldn't find it last summer despite having seen it from the main road) has closed since last year.  The Minoru Blvd one is still there and just as messy as usual.

Back to Vancouver, we made sure the MCC was still on Fraser.

Attic on Davie
Had a walk through the west end and have 3 (well 2) stores to report on.  The Gordon Neighbourhood House operates The Attic.  One is located on Broughton just north of Comox in the community centre but unfortunately it was closed today for an exceptional reason.  The other is on the south side of Davie between Broughton and Jervis.  This one is a small shop with good prices for Vancouver.  Just a bit of everything but no furniture.

Attic on Broughton

Gordon Neighbourhood House on Broughton

The other one, that I couldn't visit due to parking issues (or rather lack of) is the West End Seniors Network store in the mall on Denman and Comox.  It is a tiny store but is very busy.

West End Seniors Network thrift store

Featured post

List of thrift shops in B.C.

Here are listing of charitable and non-profit thrift shops in B.C. by region. They're all either operated by a charity, hospital or heal...